Confirmation Settings

Nathan Berrios

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

This tab allows you to configure four key aspects of the submission confirmation:

1. Inform to the user immediately: Whether using a text message (alone or above the form) or redirect the user to another web page. In the first case, you must type the message to display and in the second, the full URL of the web.

  • If you'd like to make the message more personal, you can insert field variables (placeholders) into a confirmation message or confirmation URL, in similar way as a confirmation message by email. Once the form has been submitted, the placeholder will be replaced with the information placed in that field.

  • To Redirect the browser to another page, you can set up 3 additional parameters

Show Message and Redirect After: Here you can enter a number of seconds to start the redirection.

Append Submission Data to URL: This is useful for small forms when you want to append all the collected data to the URL. Eg. https://www.example.com/thanks.html?text_0=John&[email protected]

Replace Field Name with Field Alias when it's available: If this option has been enabled, the collected data will be appended using the Field Alias. Eg. https://www.example.com/thanks.html?name=John&[email protected]

2. Conditional Logic: With this tool you can customize the way that you handle and process your submissions, giving you more control once a user has submitted your form. A common example of this would be if you wanted to provide your end users the option to download a file. In this scenario you can redirect to the file to start the download process. But, if the user doesn't want to get the file, we will show the Thank You message.

3. Send confirmation email to the user: If you select this option, each time a user submit a form will receive an email that will thank him.

4. Double Opt-In: You can enable the double opt-in feature to confirm your form submission. Then you can use the placeholder: {{optin_link}} to present the link to the Opt-In Confirmation Page. When the end-user clicks this link can be redirected to another web page or see a custom Thank You message.

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